Do you sell an admission ticket or charge for entry to your event? Maybe you’re not even really an “event,” but more like an entertainment facility, museum, or some kind of attraction? 

If you charge admission, ADM1T could be your answer to getting people through the doors. Live events of all kinds need targeted outreach and creative that cuts through. 

They need to fill their sales funnel with prospects thinking about buying, and those ready to buy now. From keyword search targeting to mass media, we work with most budgets and most any type of live events to help sell tickets, make turnstiles spin and put butts in seats.



Whether it is the thrill of a roller coaster,
a live stage event, a concert or 
holiday-themed timed event, it takes
a lot of people to make an amusement 
park thrive. 

We know how to build excitement for events – with social media that engages audiences, creative that makes your event unique and special, and media campaigns that target audiences looking for amusement parks or events just like yours.

We can build campaigns that make amusement park marketing work.



Just like amusement parks, FEC’s have to keep people coming in the doors. But it’s a different type of marketing for Family Entertainment Centers, and every FEC is different. Your geographic target is smaller, and you may be targeting multiple audiences for different features.

Whether its for nightlife, bowling, go karts, arcade games or birthday parties, we have a great deal of experience in the FEC world making advertising succeed. Our team even won a Brass Ring Award for Marketing Excellence at IAAPA!



Our team has been working in the concert business for literally 3 decades…from the days when it was ruled by radio promotions to today’s digital targeted marketing.

We know how to find audiences, speak to them and motivate them to purchase. We can build the marketing campaign to find them, the social media campaign to excite them, the web site to push them to purchase, and even provide the ticketing solution for your event.

From audio to video to ad campaigns to even help in picking out the bands, we’ve done it all for hundreds and hundreds of concerts.


What we do

Full Service Marketing & Advertising For Events

If you produce any type of event or entertainment that needs to sell a ticket, we are here for you. Adm1t is one of the leading entertainment focused full-service marketing and advertising agencies in the United States. When your event needs to sell a ticket, Admit One. 

Our Capabilities

Digital Marketing

• Social Advertising
• Online Radio
• Search Advertising
• E-mail Marketing
• Programmatic

Traditiaional Media

• Radio
• TV
• Outdoor
• Print
• Direct Mail


• Video Production
• Graphic Design
• Web
• Audio


From initial idea, to the planning, managing and launch, we take our clients on a journey with us. We want our clients to be part of the process to better align your vision with our expertise. Success comes from collaboration, and our strategies are created around the unique business assets that come from our clients, their ideas, and the strategies that we can bring to the table via our family of live event and entertainment marketing specialist. 

Full Service Event Marketing & Advertising

why we do it

We Love Events

We have a passion for live events, entertainment, amusement parks, family entertainment centers, and generally anything else that can put a smile on our face and a thrill in our heart. We try to put something fun into everything we do and that philosophy permeates into our clients' campaigns and successes. 

Contact us today!